Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Top 10 Reasons October is the Best Month Ever

Dear Baby Pitzer,
I am sure it will be abundantly obvious to you as you grow that October is the most excellent month of the year, but here are a few reasons to start you off:

10. Camping season! S'mores! Hikes! Campfires!

9. Soup time! You better believe the first pot of chili will be made this month! And most likely tomato soup and cheese toasties will be on the menu :) P.S. Don't listen to anyone who calls a cheese toastie grilled cheese. Cheese toastie is WAY more fun to say and it sounds happier.

8. Football season is in full swing.

7. Turtleneck season begins. (It's pushing it here in GA, but still acceptable).

6. Heck...all fall clothes. Bring out the scarves, blue jeans, hoodies, and all the fun cozy clothes :)

5. Disney releases a new DVD every October. This year it's the Cinderella Platinum edition. (Having a collection of the classic Disney movies is essential to happiness in life).

4. Pumpkin flavored everything.

3. Glorious, majestic, breathtaking landscapes to soak in as the leaves turn....Your dad and I sometimes will even break out in applause telling God what a good job He is doing.

2. The masses say so: I was on Facebook on October 1st and at least 50 people talked about how glad they were that it was October...maybe even more. Go look on their timelines.

1. I get to meet you this month and then celebrate it with you for the rest of my life! Wooohoo!

Love to you, my little pumpkin!
President of October is the Best Month Coalition


Nichole said...

Great List, Great Month, Amazing Mum! enjoy*

Nancy said...

I wore my first turtleneck already :)