Thursday, October 4, 2012

About Your Mum

Dear Baby Pitzer,
Here are some things you should know about me. I'm sure it will benefit you in the future if you keep this list handy.
1. I am slightly obsessed with Disney World. We are going to try and hold out awhile for the next trip, but I haven't made it longer than 2 years without visiting a Disney park since my first visit in 2003.
2. I can't get enough of polka dots. If you would have been a girl, I probably would have polka dot everything. Instead your nursery is Mickey themed. Go figure.
3. It's really hard for me to not put up a Christmas tree right now. Your dad and I love love love Christmas. We would probably have a tree now except that we like to get a real one-and Christmas trees don't last for 3 months (unless I buy one of those potted ones...hmmm) Christmas music will begin on November 1 in our home. I hope you like it.
4. I don't like to repeat meals that I cook. I am thinking this may come to an end soon, but we will see. There's just so many recipes to try....
5. I create spreadsheets with outfit plans for weeks at a time in order to be a good steward of all my clothes. I thought I would end up repeating a lot of outfits once I headed back to work this fall, but I have managed to have a fresh outfit everyday for nine weeks. Maybe I can make one for you someday.
6. I enjoy most all pizza toppings except for mushrooms and olives.
7. I hold my bladder for way too long and I've done it since I've been a kid. Don't do this. Just go to the bathroom. It's silly and most likely unhealthy.
8. I am madly in love with your father and I have been for nearly half of my life. Believe in happily ever after. I do. I hope we can be an example for you.
9. I am married to 2 men: Jesus and your father. It may be confusing at first, but I'm sure you will get it soon enough. Bonus for you! 2 Dads!
10. When I get to retirement age, I will most likely be A. Working some old lady job at Disney World B. Working/Volunteering at a National Park or C. Traveling the U.S. in an RV visiting National Parks with my Golden Age Pass. Feel free to come visit.

That should do us for now.
Sleep tight Snickerdoodle!

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